The Last Extinction: Earth

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The Last Extinction: Earth is a frantic action-arcade style game about saving the human race. You control four spacecraft, trying to save as many people as you can before the world explodes. Three of these spacecraft are satellites which shoot time reversal beams, controlling the dangerous fissures that erupt from the ever expanding core. The last spacecraft is a shuttle that beams people from static cities and randomly formed beacons.
This game was created for the 2011 Global Game Jam where it received the most plays at the Georgia SPSU location. The theme of the jam was: “Extinction”.
The 2011 Global Game Jam at SPSU was one of the largest game jams I have ever been part of. There were over 200 participates at the location making it the largest location in the world at the beginning of the jam. Because of that there was not enough time to view every game made on site so the organizes decided not to give out ranking for the location.
- Status – Complete
- Competition – Global Game Jam 2011
- Engine – Unity
- Platform – Unity
- Vu Ha – Lead Programmer
- Nathan Bailey – Programmer
- Alison Cundiff – Artist
- Joe Maliksi – Composer
- Richard Shemaka – Project Manager/Programmer
- Dan Spaventa – Lead Designer
Global Game Jam 2011 – The Last Extinction: Earth
Kongregate – The Last Extinction: Earth
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